In India for the last one decade IT has been the buzz word.Every young wants to pursue a career in computer field and earn in lacs.But, the recent economic melt down in US and other west put a spanner in their dream.No new considerable recruitments has taken place in last one year.People who got their appointment order are being asked to wait.There is already exess men in each office without jobs.
To add fuel to the crisis , an irresponsible , mad Ramalinga Raju the promoter of Satyam computer confessed the fraud to the public ,after doing all bad things in his business.The company was not in profitable business for long years but only window dressed to be a top IT company.The 50000+ people working in satyam may soon be forced to seek new jobs elsewhere.The company may no longer exist.
It means 1000 's students coming out from now on, will have to compete with these already experienced guys.
Any company which seeks people in future will the experienced.
So there is going to be more unemployment problem than anticipated.
The Indian gov may have tackle lot of social issues arising out of it.As always politics will be busy.